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Winner Studios at Artspace (Studios 214 and 215)
January Saturday-Sunday 10am – 4 pm
Atelier Session I: Draw and Paint from Statuary for intermediate to advanced artists. All study will be done monochromatically from casts, statues. Artspace studios 214-215, 201 East Davie Street, Raleigh, NC Call 919-834-2447 Luana for more information or register at Workshops@WinnerStudios.com
January Saturday-Sunday 10am-4pm
Atelier Session II: Tint, Shade, Hue, Chroma, Saturation: The Science of Color Mixing… come to Luana’s personal studio to work on color mixing – the charts that will change it all for you - from landscape to skin tones. Artspace studios 214-215, 201 East Davie Street, Raleigh, NC Call 919-834-2447 Luana for more information or register at Workshops@WinnerStudios.com
February 20, 2010 Saturday 10am – 4pm
One Day Workshop Drawing to Start with…. A wonderful basic and fool-proof approach to graphite drawing any subject on white paper. Come and learn or renew drawing skills for all ages. Jerry’s Artarama, Holly Park Shopping Center, Raleigh, NC 919-876-6610 to register http://www.jerrysartevents.com
February 27- 28, 2010 Saturday- Sunday 10am-4pm
Two day Workshop Drawing to Start with… A wonderful basic and fool-proof approach to graphite drawing all subjects on white paper. Come and learn or renew drawing skills for all ages. Artspace, 201 East Davie Street, Raleigh, NC 919-821-2787 talk with Katie or Lia to register or go to http:www.artspacenc.org
March 27-28, 2010 9am-4pm Saturday Sunday
Yew Tree Cultural Arts Center, Greensboro, NC contact Anne Kiefaber 336. 280.0589
April 3, 2010 Saturday
One Day Workshop 10am-4pm
Drawing the Next Step… A great opportunity to do a “masterpiece” in charcoal and chalk on toned paper alla Leonardo daVinci…. This technique of drawing adds dimension through values only while being simple enough for anyone to master. . Jerry’s Artarama, Holly Park Shopping Center, Raleigh, NC 919-876-6610 to register http://www.jerrysartevents.com
May 20-22, 2010 Thursday- Saturday 10am-5pm
Finding Your Artistic Voice… A full and busy three days of sketching, planning, painting, and even brushing up business skills. This is for artists of all skill levels who wish to work on independent subject matter to strengthen and develop their own style and technique with Luana’s close guidance. –Arts & Things Gallery, 704 Evans Street, Morehead City, NC 28557, (252) 240-1979 or Toll Free 877-640-ARTS, Fax (252) 808-3168 Lou Wilson at artsnthings@bizec.rr.com
June 2010 Thursday-Sunday 10am-4pm
Great Faces! AND The Business of Art (a business seminar for all who are in the arts) at Amelia Island Artist Workshops, 218A Ash Street, Fernandina Beach Fl. 32034 Call (904) 415-3900 email tmpromark@aol.com or go to www.ameliaislandartistsworkshop.com
July 10,11,12 Saturday Lecture 10am-12noon followed by 3 hour workshop 1-4pm with two day workshop on 11th and 12th
Lecture/ Demo - Appalachian Pastel Society, Asheville, NC
Continuation …1pm – 4pm Saturday and 10am- 5pm Sunday Pastel Workshop . Contact Karen Wylie APS Program & Workshop Chairperson (828) 765-6001 or karen@soapshed.com
August 2010 Friday-Sunday 10am-5pm
Painting Personalities Back by popular demand…. For people who love people this is not designed for structured portrait paintings. We are going after characters and personalities! Amazing costumes on great models. Create 2 - 40 x 30 canvases in two days! Come join us at Artspace, 201 East Davie Street, Raleigh, NC 919-821-2787 http://www.artspacenc.org/adult_workshops.html
August 9-13, 2010 Monday- Friday
Great Faces! The Easy Way ... A five-day workshop in one of the west’s most beautiful vacation spots. This is the perfect blend– Bend, Oregon http://www.artinthemountains.com/ Contact : Art In The Mountains 503.930.4572 Office, 503.859.3891 Fax info@artinthemountains.com
October 2010
Learning and Products Expo, Pasadena, CA Painting and drawing classes. Check on www.WinnerStudios.com or www.learningproductexpo.com for more details.
November 2010 Thursday—Sunday
Portrait Painting Workshops, Jerry’s Art of the Carolinas, North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh, NC 919-876-6610 www.jerrysartevents.com